la maison de monsieur seguin

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

SPS (Strange Positioning Systems) performance Project GOES ON

SPS (Strange Positioning Systems) performance Project is now launched on  I hope you can forward this to everyone  we /you know as well as participate. helps launch creative projects by having a forum  to raise funds.  It is based on a rewards system.   Essentially, it works like this:  We have a certain amount of time to raise our goal amount--in the meantime the funds people donate go into a holding acct on Amazon.  If we don't raise our goal in the allotted time then everyone gets their moolah back.  Yikes. But if we do and we can even raise more then our goal--then, we get to work on our project and see it come to fruition!  Yes!  And you can see the cool work you can get with your participation. When you click on the image below you will be directed to our page on
Backing starts at the delighfully low of 10.00 dollars and includes a thanks on our site.
Also check out our website: