la maison de monsieur seguin

Sunday, December 20, 2009

more information about insulators

The above insulators were one of many patents held by Samuel Dimmick Mott, my great grandfather.  He worked for a healthy amount of time for Thomas Edison and participated in many projects  in the Menlo Park laboratory as well as making drawings for numerous inventions.  At some point I'lll post the drawings.  He was also good friends with the Wright Brothers and held several patents for aviation inventions. My grandmother told me about seeing one of the Wright Brothers flights as a little girl.  As for the insulators, Samuel Mott was by no means the only one with patents on the insulators as there were various styles and details.  But I have always loved those insulators and have made works with them even before I knew he had something to do with them.

in the meantime I am doing other things